A New Generation of Poets from Afghanistan : This collection of contemporary poems is by noted Hazara writer and journalist, Kamran Mir Hazar. Kamran voices the Hazara experience of the harassed refugee who longs to pursue his art, but is gagged by corrupt authorities at nearly every turn. Though he suffered stifling prejudice, physical violence, and exile, his poems express the most profound joys of life and an abiding commitment to justice and freedom. Translated from Persian/Dari/ Hazaragi and English to Spanish.

Kamran Mir Hazar was born in Afghanistan, but fled with his family to Iran when he was a teenager, when the Taliban came to dominate his home country.  As a refugee, he was denied basic human rights in Iran, and though he earned high marks and literary prizes, was denied entrance into an Iranian university because he was not an Iranian citizen.  Faced with this impediment, Kamran moved to Afghanistan where the post-Taliban regime   fostered by Western democracies promised a brighter future.  However, as a progressive Hazara, Kamran confronted similar prejudice and discrimination from Afghan government and religious authorities, when he created the Kabulpress.org where Afghans could speak out about injustices without censorship.  His outspoken articles and tremendous popularity among Afghan intellectuals and progressive thinkers earned him threats and even arrest and illegal detention.  Kamran finally fled to India where the UN granted him political refugee status and re-settled him in Norway.

In Norway, his work has been supported by the Norwegian Writers Union, and he teaches cultural development classes to young refugees.  He has been invited to present his work at international writers’ gatherings not only in Norway but also Columbia, The Netherlands, the UK, and Romania.

An English translation of Chorro De Ciervos is in progress.

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